Tuesday 29 October 2013

PPP Tutorial with John

Having this tutorial was really motivating for me, and although some of the subjects that we discussed have been mentioned before by him, I think finally it might be sinking in, and I fully intend to start doing more acting than procrastinating.

With regards to networking and using Behance, he mentioned the importance of using copyright symbols on my images, as well as not releasing copyright for an image unless I have received payment. I also need to get a LinkedIn account, as I was advised that this is more personal and more useful for networking purposes.

I was also curious about placements and copywriting, and so I asked about this and received the email address of somebody to contact...his son! I will start crafting an email tonight and attempt to sound smart and cool and knowledgeable, and hopefully start to build up my networking skills. He also encouraged me to ask who else I can speak to once I have a reply, so that I can build up contacts. 

Finally, I discussed my idea for the Christmas card charity project, and he was really encouraging of the project. He advised me to get in touch with the chosen charity Simon on the Streets to discuss the logistics of doing this kind of project, and so I have sent an email to them today. 

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