Saturday 18 January 2014

PPPanic! To Do List

Thanks to dissertation madness, Christmas, design work (insert more excuses here) I have completely neglected this blog, and now that the dissertation has been officially handed in, I can now spend more time focussing on this module.

With 18 weeks left, I haven't got much time to develop myself and my design practice, and with that in mind, I've written a to do list to help me get started.

Create a CV to send to the Leicester Print Workshop + craft an email to accompany it.
Create a list of North West studios to contact for studio visits.
Create a list of creatives I would like to get in contact with about my future (simply asking questions about their processes, the industry etc.)
Start mind mapping ideas for personal branding
Create a linked in.
Create a mini portfolio for print and web
Update Behance with more projects.
Find more creative talks/events.
Plan my website.

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