Sunday 9 March 2014


This is my Behance portfolio which has been online since the start of third year. I'm not really happy with how my work looks on the site but haven't really ever managed to try and sort it out. What I really want to do is focus on designing and creating my website as I feel that I can have more control over how the site will look. 

Communications with Well Made Studio

Unfortunately the first visit I organised with Well Made didn't happen due to dodgy weather (thankyou, England) and so I had further emails with the studio. I was supposed to visit them in our break from college, but, and I'm not sure why, communications kind of dried up.

This is my email correspondence with them anyway.

Leicester Print Workshop

On Wednesday I went to visit Leicester Print Workshop and despite the difficulties I had getting there and back, it was a pretty sucessful trip. I have organised a placement (only about a year late) with them, but unfortunately due to the fact that the next few months are going to be so busy, I discussed doing the placement with them in summer.
I was given a tour around the studio space, which is jam packed with print equipment of all kinds, including screen printing, lino cut, litho and letterpress. There was an incredible selection of letterpress type, so I'm hoping to shadow the letterpress technician when I go for the placement.
The placement will be two weeks long, and I will be helping out with the actual running of the workshop as opposed to doing my own work. This is really what I want to get out of the placement, as I hope to one day work in or be running my own print workshop and so I need to know how one actually runs and survives.

Leeds International Artist Book Fair

Today I went to the Leeds International Artist Book Fair at the Tetley. I got to do some exploring, as well as go to a talk with Cafe Royal Press, Spur and Village in which they discussed independent and self publishing. It was an interesting discussion, Cafe Royal Press explained how publications were a more accessible way of displaying art and communicating an artist/photographer's practice. This kind of echoes how I feel about graphic design and why I chose to do it in the first place. It's a more democratic form of creativity, far more accessible than fine art, though I guess that fine art has its place.

I left feeling pretty motivated to crack on with my work after the event, and hope that one day I might get a chance to be a part of something similar. 
Somehow went to a book fair and left with everything but books.