Tuesday 15 April 2014


Myself and Suzanne, as well as being friends, have often enjoyed working together and share similar design tastes, as well as life goals. We recently worked with Mike on the end of year show, as well as working collaboratively on the Art and Design yearbook. We intend to work on several more projects before the end of year, and we have been talking recently about actually making a go of working together once we have left uni, building up to creating a small multi disciplinary studio. We want to research and discuss this in more detail over the coming weeks. We have all agreed that we do not simply want to work for someone else for the rest of our lives, and Suzanne and Mike have friends who have already graduated and are not exactly satisfied in the design studios they work for. Whilst we understand that doing something like this is a massive risk and a mammoth task, we know that we would prefer to make the effort to put this into motion now as opposed to later in our lives when there will be more financial responsibilties (mortgages/dependent families etc). We also want to have a say in our work and we have each in the past discussed our ambitions and desires to work for ourselves.

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