Wednesday 30 April 2014

Print Club London

A couple of months ago I submitted to the Print Club London competition 'Blisters Sound Sessions', where I produced a print about one of my favourite songs, My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura. 

Unfortunately a couple of weeks after submitting, I learnt I had not been successful and although disappointed I knew that the standard of work they put in their actual exhibitions is insanely high and there must be a lot of talented entrants, so I didn't let it damage my self esteem any more than usual. 

Strangely, today I received this email from them.

They're interested in selling the print in their online shop, which is incredibly flattering because I really admire a lot of work that they sell, and obviously it's nice to hear that someone likes my screen print design work. I emailed back to ask for the details and will hopefully be printing it out soon to send down to them, although it would be amazing to visit their set up in London. I'm definitely going to try and get down for the exhibition in September. 

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